Wednesday, November 12, 2008


You ever have those days, weeks, when you feel that you can't go on another minute. There are so many things, persons, demanding a piece of you, a piece of your time? The last few days have been that for me. And the enemy seems to use the home to just create greater frustration and helplessness. But what he does not realize, is that for those of who believe, this only drives us to our knees, to the source of our strength and our hope.

Ladies there is such a peace when we talk to the Father and we truly turn over to Him every care, every concern knowing that He does all things well and that there is nothing to big for Him, nothing impossible for Him, nothing He does not care about that concerns us.

In my devotions to night I was reminded that in those moments when you are feeling overwhelmed you are to:

1. Do your best to pray. If you feel you can't pray, just assume the posture of prayer and just begin thanking God and adoring Him. (I always feel better).
2. Watch your heart - don't worry about the words, just share your heart with the creator, He knows it already.

"Just like a plant with its roots hidden underground, you and I--out of public view and alone with God--are to draw from Him all that we need to live the abundant life. He has promised His children."

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