Friday, October 17, 2008

Birth of New P31 Lady

Yesterday, while struggling to regain my physical and emotional strength, I had an ah, ah moment. I received in my spirit, what I believe to be a answer to prayer, the seed I was looking for. What do I exist to do, to be? It came to me clearly. I am hear to help other women realize the greatness within. To understand that none of us are perfect. We all have our failings. But we all have what it takes within us to be a Proverbs 31 Lady.

So often I feel that I do not have anything to share. And then I am reminded by some lady, some young girl, that I do --- just by being me, and by doing what I do. My sister Laurel and I always joke that it is not easy to find women who can balance family, work, social life, business, and personal development and make it all look easy. But many women do. It is something we have taken for granted as we have had the very best role model in how to do just that. This balance is what we read about in Proverbs 31. But how do we make that woman real today? How do we help the many women who feel that they cannot balance it all?

This is what I know God has called me to do --- to share with women that they can balance it all. It first starts by just being you. Being honest with who you are, where you are, and what you want in life.

I have asked my sister and best friend, to partner with me in giving birth and life to what God has planted in my spirit.

I am now seeking to find 29 other ladies to join us for a total of 31 Ladies.

Stay tuned for more.

p31 Lady

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